
Preschool Educational Director

Aim High Leadership Center Four Inc
locationFar Rockaway, Queens, NY, USA
PublishedPublished: 6/14/2022
Full Time

Job Description

Job Description

This is job requires a Masters and Certification in Early Childhood Education (B-2nd)

Purpose of the Job

Supervises the development, organization, implementation, coordination, and evaluation of the Early Childhoodand Preschool instructional programs to ensure that all scholars will meet or exceed the DOE Core CurriculumContent Standards, Early Childhood Framework Standards (EFQ) and Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF). Achieving excellence requires that the Education Director works collaboratively to lead andnurture members of the staff, and communicates effectively with families, members of the community, andcolleagues in other districts and schools.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities Learning Environment

1. Responsible for researching and being current on curriculum, evaluation scales, pedagogy,and new directives and requirements for educators and our learning

2. Responsible for implementing NYS Common Core/EFQ for 3K/PKA performance/quality standards,policies and procedures, regulations, and guidelines in the day-to-day operation of an early childhooddevelopment center (2 years-5 years of age) including developmentally appropriate practices for apreschool program.

3. Helps educators create a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and meets the needs of all scholars in the classroom.

4. Help educators set up and maintain a well-organized, safe, authentic, and attractive learningcommunity conducive to the optimal growth and development of scholars.

5. Responsible for implementing CLASS and ECERS standards and evaluating educators based on those standards

6. Responsible for developing and implementing an ongoing scholar-centered program of activities thatpromote the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development of each scholar enrolled andresponsible for implementing the 3K/Pre-K for All Interdisciplinary Units of Study/Explore Units ofStudy.

7. Help maintain the facility in a safe and healthy condition.

8. Contact agencies and make referrals to help scholars with special needs.

9. Maintain and encourage scholar and staff attendance.

10. Operate the school within the budget.

11. Train, encourage, and mentor teachers and other staff.

12. Visit classrooms and observe teaching methods for monthly formal and informal feedback.

13. Handle tours, orientation, recruitment, social media, and marketing.

14. Work actively with teachers to maintain high curriculum standards.

15. Explain or answer procedural questions.

16. Hire, train, and evaluate teachers.

17. Examine learning materials. Review instructional objectives and adjust accordingly.

18. Demonstrate excellent leadership organizational skills and the ability to motivate people.

19. Maintain safe working conditions and safely operate all electronic and other equipment needed to carry out job functions and responsibilities.

Assisting and Assessing Teaching Staff

20. Supervise teachers, and other support personnel assigned to ensure that all responsibilities are met andexceeded.

21. Evaluate lesson plans and observe classes on a regular basis.

22. Create quarterly progress reports to inform staff about their progress.

23. Provide weekly opportunities for effective staff development that address the needs of theinstructional program including workshops, conferences, visitations, demonstration lessons and sessions in which the staff shares practices and strategies.

24. Use effective presentation and communication skills when addressing scholars, staff, families, andthe community, including appropriate vocabulary and examples, clear and legible visuals, and articulate andaudible speech. Use excellent written and oral English skills when communicating with scholars, families, and colleagues.

25. Oversee and monitor Remote Learning tools (Class Dojo and Zoom Classes)

26. Provide and coordinate services to staff to assist with scholars who experience difficulty in learning. Coordinate school and community resources for scholars who need specialized assistance. Organize and oversee implementation of IEPs.

27. Responsible for assisting with the implementation of developmental, behavioral, and sensoryscreenings (Ages and Stages) within the program aligned with state regulations and performance standards.

28. Responsible for helping educators create daily lesson plans aligned with Common Core standards and 3K/Pre-K for All Quality Standards/EFQ/ELOF.

29. Establish performance goals and objectives.

30. Responsible for substituting when a teacher or an assistant is absent

31. Maintain records on each scholars’ progress and development for the purpose of planning

and compliance with PKA/3K Standards

32. Responsible for overseeing and assisting with educators documenting the growth anddevelopment of children using Teaching Strategies GOLD (authentic assessment tool).

33. Create and discuss goals for scholars to meet their individual needs.

34. Responsible for working with educators to fully implement an IEP for scholars with disabilities.

35. Review with staff the progress of each scholar and develop written plans to promote each scholar’s growth and development.

36. Assist educators to conduct individual parent conferences at least twice a year to discuss each scholar’s growth and development.

37. Observe each scholar daily to assess skills, interests and needs and use this information to facilitate learning and growth.

Administration Responsibilities

38. Maintain staff and scholar records

39. Protect confidentiality of records and the information gained as part of exercising professionalduties and use discretion in sharing such information within legal confines.

40. Complete in a timely fashion all records and reports as required by law and regulations.

41. Assist with or conduct interviews of prospective staff members and makerecommendations to administration.

42. Provide orientation and training for new staff, substitutes, and volunteers.

43. Meet with the Program Director to review curriculum plans and activities and evaluate program’seffectiveness.

44. Attend all staff meetings and in-service provided at the Center and professionaldevelopments offered by the DOE/DECE.

45. Keep abreast of current knowledge in the field of Early Childhood Education.

46. Provide leadership and coordination in the development of early childhood curriculum and theimplementation of instructional programs, evaluating programs and services on a regular basis to encourage theuse of a variety of instructional strategies and materials consistent with research on early childhood learning and child growth and development.

47. Attend Board of Education and administrative meetings.

48. Attend required staff meetings and serve, as appropriate, on staff committees and the Aim High Leadership Panel (PTA).

49. Summarize, interpret, and disseminate current developments in instruction, learning theoryand cognitive research through reading of professional journals, participation in professional development, and involvement in professional organizations.

50. Having exemplary attendance and being punctual so there is consistency for our scholars andeducators.

Familv Support

51. Establish a positive relationship with each scholar’s family and share information about the scholar’s day and progress.

52. Responsible for coordinating and working closely with families.

53. Plan and participate in family activities and promote family engagement,

54. Responsible for creating newsletter for families or reviewing newsletter created by


55. Help families to understand the curriculum and find ways to involve families in the daily


56. Identify and provide support for parents to enhance and extend the school learning experiences ofscholars at home. Plan and coordinate family support sessions, including learning strategies, care and nurturing, and proper nutrition.

57. Coordinate opportunities for community leaders to provide advice and support to the early childhood programs.

58. Develop a positive relationship with each scholar and promote the development of self- esteem and self-discipline.

59. Assist scholars/educators with the development of self-adaptive skills, including toileting.


The Educational Director must have proficient knowledge in the following areas:

• Computerized data Collection Programs

• Early Childhood growth and development

• An understanding of Pre-k / 3K curriculum and relevant funding stream regulations that govern theprogram.

• Remote Learning platforms (Zoom and Class Dojo)

Skills and Abilities

• Teamwork and collaboration

• Supervisory skills

• Analytical and problem-solving skills

• Decision making skills

• Communication Skills

• Stress Management Skills

• Time Management Skills

• Problem analysis and assessment

• Judgment and problem solving

• Work and time management

• Attention to detail and high level of accuracy

• Delegation of authority and responsibility

• Information gathering and monitoring

Personal Attributes

The Educational Director must maintain strict confidentiality in performing his/her duties. The Educational Director must also demonstrate the following personal attributes:

• Be honest and trustworthy

• Demonstrates excellent leadership organizational skills and the ability to motivate people

• Have excellent integrity and demonstrate good moral character and initiative

• Exhibits a personality that demonstrates enthusiasm and interpersonal skills to relate well with students,staff, administration, families, and the community.

• Demonstrates the ability to use computers for word processing, data management, andtelecommunications

• Be respectful

• Be professional

• Possess cultural awareness and sensitivity

• Be flexible

• Demonstrate sound work ethics

• Ability to create a positive and inclusive learning community
